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The Hidden Meaning of Colors | 颜色的寓意

My name is Ed. I manage a college bookstore. Once a year, students can bring their oldtextbooks to the bookstore. We buy the used books from the students. Later, we sell them again for a very low price.

This year I asked my student aide, Jim, to help me. Jim sat at a table and took the students’ books. The students had to sign their names on a form. Then they took the form to the cashier. The cashier gave them money.

Most of the students signed the forms and got their money. But some students just stood at the table. They looked upset. They didn’t sign the forms. Jim was puzzled. He asked me what was wrong

Jim put some pens on the table for the students to use. They were red pens. Some of the students were KoreanBuddhists. These students were upset. In their culture, they write a person’s name in red when the person dies. These students did not want to sign their names in red. Signing their names in red was like asking for death.

Ed explained the students’ problem to Jim. Immediately, Jim removed the red pens. He put blue pens on the table. The students were relieved. They signed their names in blue and got their money.









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