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The Name Game | 名字的习俗

My name is Melissa Gillis. I teach English in a high school in South Carolina . Roberto Vega is one of my students. In another class, I have a student named Alfredo Marino. They are both from El Salvador. Last month, the teachers had Parents’ Night at the high school. I met Alfredo and Roberto’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marino. The two boys have the same mother and father! They are brothers but have different last names.

In many Latin American countries, people have two “last” (family) names. The first family name comes from the father. The second family name comes from the mother. The boys are actually Roberto Marino Vega and Alfredo Marino Vega. “Marino” comes from their father and “Vega” comes from their mother.

When the boys started school in the United States, they wrote their names on a form. In the space for “last name,” they wrote “Marino Vega”. But in the United States, people are not used to double last names. A woman looked at Alfredo’s form. She understood that Marino was his first family name, his father’s name. She crossed out “Vega”. From that day on, his last name for school was Marino. Another person looked at Roberto’s form. This person decided that Roberto’s last name was “Vega”, and crossed out “Marino”. Suddenly, the brothers had different last names!







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