绝对办不到!:A thousand times no!
天晓得!:Who knows!
没什么了不起!:It is not a big deal!
别逼我:Don't push me.
言归正传:Go down to business.
过奖了:Don't flatter me.
你知,我知:Between us!
别太过分了:Don't over do it!
你搞明白了吗?:Can you dig it?
凭直觉做事:Follow my nose.
小气鬼:Cheap skate!
我洗耳恭听:I am all ears.
我随时奉陪:Tell me when!
怎么垂头丧气?:Why so blue?
什么风把你吹来了?:What brought you here?
他是个吹牛大王:He is a fast talker.
我无聊死了:I am bored to death.
我总有一天跟他扯平:I'll get even with him one day.
她身怀巨款:She's got quite a wad.
我很想见你:I'm dying to see you.
诶,你怎么不讲道理:Come on, be reasonable.
晚饭我请:Dinner is on me.
不见得,不一定:Not precisely!
从长远来说不是这样的:Not in the long run.
这里没有这个人:There is nobody by that name working here.