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The Changing Role of Women | 女性角色的转变

I am Jennifer. In my senior year in high school, there were many exciting activities like dances, homecoming picnics, sports contests against the teachers, and, of course, the prom !

Prom night was coming, and tickets went on sale. They cost $89 for a couple. Single guys roamedthe school, looking for girls to ask out. A friend told me that one of his friends wanted to go to the prom with me. Eventually I met the friend, Eddie, and we got along just fine. Gentleman-like, Eddie offered to pay for our prom tickets. However, he insisted that I pay for the prom pictures, and trying to do my part, I agreed. At the prom, everything went just great. We danced, ate, andchatted for at least five hours.

After the prom, we went to a restaurant and had dinner. The dinner was great, too, but when it was over, the trouble began. Eddie just sat there, even though he had finished eating. Thinking that he was tired, I just sat there too. Then it turned out that Eddie expected me to pay for the meal. I was horrified because, according to Chinese customs, a guy always pays for everything when he asks a girl out. I was already surprised when Eddie had insisted that I pay for the prom pictures, but this was too much for me. Eventually I paid and Eddie drove me home. I did not talk to him for a very long time. Later on, I found out that there is an American custom of “splitting the bill,” where each individual pays half. It took me a long time to adapt to this custom!







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